Source code for multinorm

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
multinorm - Multivariate Normal Distributions for Humans.

A Python class to work with model fit results
(parameters and the covariance matrix).

- Code:
- Docs:
- License: BSD-3-Clause
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
import functools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.linalg import eigh
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

__all__ = ["MultiNorm"]

    __version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version
except DistributionNotFound:
    # package is not installed

# Lazy property taken from here:
# In Python 3.8 a functools.cached_property is added
# So we change to that name
def cached_property(fn):
    attr_name = "_cache_" + fn.__name__

    def _cached_property(self):
        if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
            setattr(self, attr_name, fn(self))
        return getattr(self, attr_name)

    return _cached_property

def _matrix_inverse(matrix):
    # np.linalg.inv seems to give numerically stable results
    # We need inverse in several places, so in case there's
    # a better option, and to get consistency, we put this wrapper function
    return np.linalg.inv(matrix)

[docs]class MultiNorm: """Multivariate normal distribution. Given ``n`` parameters, the ``mean`` and ``names`` should be one-dimensional with size ``n``, and ``cov`` should be a two-dimensional matrix of shape ``(n, n)``. Documentation for this class: - Tutorial Jupyter notebook: `multinorm.ipynb`_ - Documentation: :ref:`gs`, :ref:`create`, :ref:`analyse` - Equations and statistics: :ref:`theory` Note that MultiNorm objects should be used read-only, almost all properties are cached. If you need to modify values, make a new `MultiNorm` object. Parameters ---------- mean : numpy.ndarray Mean vector cov : numpy.ndarray Covariance matrix names : list Python list of parameter names (str). Default: use "par_i" with ``i = 0 .. N - 1``. """ def __init__(self, mean=None, cov=None, names=None): # multivariate_normal does a lot of input validation # so we call it first to avoid having to duplicate that self._scipy = multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True) self._name_index = _NameIndex(names, self.n) def __repr__(self): s = "{} with n={} parameters:\n".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.n) s += str(self.parameters) return s def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ( self.names == other.names and (self.mean == other.mean).all() and (self.cov == other.cov).all(axis=None) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_err(cls, mean=None, err=None, correlation=None, names=None): r"""Create `MultiNorm` from parameter errors. With errors :math:`\sigma_i` this will create a diagonal covariance matrix with .. math:: \Sigma_{ii} = \sigma_i^2 For a given ``correlation``, or in general: this will create a `MultiNormal` with a covariance matrix such that it's ``err`` and ``correlation`` match the one specified here (up to rounding errors). Parameters ---------- mean : numpy.ndarray Mean vector err : numpy.ndarray Error vector correlation : numpy.ndarray Correlation matrix names : list Parameter names """ if err is None: if mean is None: raise ValueError("Must give mean or err") err = np.ones_like(mean) err = np.asarray(err, dtype=float) n = len(err) if correlation is None: correlation = np.eye(n) else: correlation = np.asarray(correlation, dtype=float) cov = correlation * np.outer(err, err) return cls(mean, cov, names)
[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, points, names=None): """Create `MultiNorm` from parameter points. Usually the points are samples from some distribution and creating this `MultiNorm` distribution is an estimate / approximation of that distribution of interest. See: :ref:`create_from_points`. Parameters ---------- points : numpy.ndarray Array of data points with shape ``(n, 2)``. """ mean = np.mean(points, axis=0) cov = np.cov(points, rowvar=False) return cls(mean, cov, names)
[docs] @classmethod def from_product(cls, distributions): """Create `MultiNorm` as product distribution. This represents the joint likelihood distribution, assuming the individual distributions are from independent measurements. See :ref:`theory_product` . Parameters ---------- distributions : list Python list of `MultiNorm` distributions. Returns ------- MultiNorm Product distribution """ names = distributions[0].names precisions = [_.precision.values for _ in distributions] precision = np.sum(precisions, axis=0) cov = _matrix_inverse(precision) means_weighted = [_._mean_weighted for _ in distributions] means_weighted = np.sum(means_weighted, axis=0) mean =, means_weighted) return cls(mean, cov, names)
[docs] @classmethod def make_example(cls, n_par=3, n_fix=0, random_state=42): """Create example `MultiNorm` for testing. This is a factory method that allows the quick creation of example `MultiNormal` with any number of parameters for testing. See: :ref:`create_make_example`. Parameters ---------- n_par : int Number of parameters n_fix : int Number of fixed parameters in addition to ``n_par``. random_state : Seed (int) - default: 42 Put ``None`` to choose random seed. Can also pass `numpy.random.RandomState` object. """ n = n_par + n_fix rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) mean = rng.normal(size=n) s = rng.normal(size=(n_par, n_par)) cov1 =, s.T) cov2 = np.zeros((n, n)) cov2[:n_par, :n_par] = cov1 return cls(mean, cov2)
@property def scipy(self): """Frozen `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`_ distribution object. A cached property. Used for many computations internally. """ return self._scipy @cached_property def parameters(self): """Parameter table (`pandas.DataFrame`). Index is "name", columns are "mean" and "err" """ data = {"mean": self.mean, "err": self.err} index = pd.Index(self.names, name="name") return pd.DataFrame(data, index) def _pandas_series(self, data, name): index = pd.Index(self.names, name="name") return pd.Series(data, index, name=name) def _pandas_matrix(self, matrix): index = pd.Index(self.names, name="name") # TODO: use `index` twice or make separate `columns` index? columns = pd.Index(self.names, name="name") return pd.DataFrame(matrix, index, columns)
[docs] def to_uncertainties(self): """Convert to `uncertainties`_ objects. A tuple of numbers with uncertainties (one for each parameter) is returned. The `uncertainties`_ package makes it easy to do error propagation on derived quantities. See examples in :ref:`analyse`. """ from uncertainties import correlated_values return correlated_values(self.scipy.mean, self.scipy.cov, self.names)
[docs] def to_matplotlib_ellipse(self, n_sigma=1, **kwargs): """Create `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse`_. See examples in :ref:`plot`. Parameters ---------- n_sigma : int Number of standard deviations. See :ref:`theory_sigmas`. """ if self.n != 2: raise ValueError( "Ellipse only available for n=2. " "To select parameters, call ``marginal`` or ``conditional`` first." ) from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse # See xy = self.scipy.mean vals, vecs = self._eigh width, height = 2 * n_sigma * np.sqrt(vals) angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])) return Ellipse(xy=xy, width=width, height=height, angle=angle, **kwargs)
@cached_property def _eigh(self): # TODO: can this be computed from `self.scipy.cov_info.U`? # TODO: expose covar eigenvalues and vectors? return eigh(self.scipy.cov) @cached_property def _mean_weighted(self): return, self.mean.values) @cached_property def n(self): """Number of dimensions of the distribution (int). Given by the number of parameters. """ return self.scipy.dim @cached_property def mean(self): """Mean vector (`pandas.Series`).""" return self._pandas_series(self.scipy.mean, "mean") @cached_property def cov(self): """Covariance matrix (`pandas.DataFrame`).""" return self._pandas_matrix(self.scipy.cov) # TODO: probably should make this a pandas Index. @cached_property def names(self): """Parameter names (`list` of `str`).""" return self._name_index.names @cached_property def err(self): r"""Error vector (`pandas.DataFrame`). Defined as :math:`\sigma_i = \sqrt{\Sigma_{ii}}`. """ err = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov)) return self._pandas_series(err, "err") @cached_property def correlation(self): r"""Correlation matrix (`pandas.DataFrame`). Correlation :math:`C` is related to covariance :math:`\Sigma` via: .. math:: C_{ij} = \frac{ \Sigma_{ij} }{ \sqrt{\Sigma_{ii} \Sigma_{jj}} } """ c = self.cov / np.outer(self.err, self.err) return self._pandas_matrix(c) @cached_property def precision(self): """Precision matrix (`pandas.DataFrame`). The inverse of the covariance matrix. Sometimes called the "information matrix" or "Hesse matrix". """ matrix = _matrix_inverse(self.scipy.cov) return self._pandas_matrix(matrix)
[docs] def drop(self, pars): """Drop parameters. This simply removes the entry from the `mean` vector, and the corresponding column and row from the `cov` matrix. The computation is the same as :meth:`MultiNorm.marginal`, only here the parameters to drop are given, and there the parameters to keep are given. Parameters ---------- pars : list Parameters to fix (indices or names) """ mask = np.invert(self._name_index.get_mask(pars)) return self._subset(mask)
[docs] def marginal(self, pars): """Marginal `MultiNormal` distribution. See :ref:`theory_marginal`. Parameters ---------- pars : list List of parameters (integer indices) Returns ------- MultiNorm Marginal distribution """ mask = self._name_index.get_mask(pars) return self._subset(mask)
def _subset(self, mask): names = self._name_index.get_names(mask) mean = self.scipy.mean[mask] cov = self.scipy.cov[np.ix_(mask, mask)] return self.__class__(mean, cov, names)
[docs] def conditional(self, pars, values=None): """Conditional `MultiNormal` distribution. Resulting lower-dimensional distribution obtained by fixing ``pars`` to ``values``. The output distribution is for the other parameters, the complement of ``pars``. See :ref:`theory_conditional`. Parameters ---------- pars : list Fixed parameters (indices or names) values : list Fixed parameters (values). Default is to use the values from ``mean``. Returns ------- MultiNorm Conditional distribution """ # The following code follows the formulae from # # - "2" refers to the fixed parameters # - "1" refers to the remaining (kept) parameters mask2 = self._name_index.get_mask(pars) mask1 = np.invert(mask2) names = self._name_index.get_names(mask1) if values is None: values = self.scipy.mean[mask2] else: values = np.asarray(values, dtype=float) mean1 = self.scipy.mean[mask1] mean2 = self.scipy.mean[mask2] cov11 = self.scipy.cov[np.ix_(mask1, mask1)] cov12 = self.scipy.cov[np.ix_(mask1, mask2)] cov21 = self.scipy.cov[np.ix_(mask2, mask1)] cov22 = self.scipy.cov[np.ix_(mask2, mask2)] # TODO: would it be better to compute the inverse of cov22 # instead of calling solve twice? mean = mean1 +, np.linalg.solve(cov22, values - mean2)) cov = cov11 -, np.linalg.solve(cov22, cov21)) return self.__class__(mean, cov, names)
[docs] def fix(self, pars): """Fix parameters. See :ref:`theory_fix`. Parameters ---------- pars : list Parameters to fix (indices or names) """ # mask of parameters to keep (that are not fixed) mask = np.invert(self._name_index.get_mask(pars)) names = self._name_index.get_names(mask) mean = self.scipy.mean[mask] precision = self.precision.values[np.ix_(mask, mask)] cov = _matrix_inverse(precision) return self.__class__(mean, cov, names)
[docs] def sigma_distance(self, point): """Number of standard deviations from the mean (float). Also called the Mahalanobis distance. See :ref:`theory_sigmas`. """ point = np.asanyarray(point) d = self.mean - point sigma =, self.precision.values), d) return np.sqrt(sigma)
[docs] def pdf(self, points): """Probability density function. Calls `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`_. """ return self.scipy.pdf(points)
[docs] def logpdf(self, points): """Natural log of PDF. Calls `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`_. """ return self.scipy.logpdf(points)
[docs] def sample(self, size=1, random_state=None): """Draw random samples. Calls `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`_. """ return self.scipy.rvs(size, random_state)
# TODO: remove, use pandas Index instead somehow class _NameIndex(object): """Parameter index. Doesn't do much, just store parameter names and match parameter names and indices. """ def __init__(self, names, n): if names is None: names = ["par_{}".format(idx) for idx in range(n)] else: if len(names) != n: raise ValueError("len(names) = {}, expected n={}".format(len(names), n)) self.names = names @property def n(self): return len(self.names) def get_idx(self, pars): """Create parameter index array. Supports scalar, list and array input pars Support parameter indices (int) and names (str) """ # TODO: should we support scalar? if isinstance(pars, (int, str)): pars = [pars] idxs = [] for par in pars: # TODO: improve type handling (make str work on Python 2) # and give good error messages # Probably move this to a separate method. if isinstance(par, int): idxs.append(par) elif isinstance(par, str): idx = self.names.index(par) idxs.append(idx) else: raise TypeError() return np.asarray(idxs, dtype=int) def get_mask(self, pars): idx = self.get_idx(pars) mask = np.zeros(self.n, dtype=bool) mask[idx] = True return mask def get_names(self, selection): # This works for an index array or mask for the selection return list(np.array(self.names)[selection]) # See # return [d for d, s in zip(self.names, mask) if s]