

A basic example and properties of MultiNorm were shown in Analyse.

On this page we continue with analysis methods using same example:

from multinorm import MultiNorm
mean = [10, 20, 30]
covariance = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 9]]
names = ["a", "b", "c"]
mn = MultiNorm(mean, covariance, names)


TODO: marginal


TODO: conditional


The scipy.stats.multivariate_normal class is similar to MultiNorm, it contains a mean vector and covariance matrix. However, at this time, there is no overlap in functionality.

Feedback on the design of MultiNorm is very welcome! E.g. we could also make MultiNorm a “frozen distribution”, i.e. read-only, with cached properties. The internal data member could be a scipy.stats.multivariate_normal object directly, and we could re-expose all functionality diretly. Probably sub-classing isn’t a good idea, because we’d give up full control of the API?

If you want to use one of the scipy.stats.multivariate_normal methods and have a MultiNorm object, first convert it via the to_scipy() method:

>>> s = mn.to_scipy()
>>> type(s)

Draw random variate samples from the distribution:

>>> points = s.rvs(size=2, random_state=0)
>>> points
array([[10.97873798, 20.80031442, 35.29215704],
       [ 9.02272212, 23.73511598, 36.7226796 ]])

Points are always given as arrays with shape (n_dim, n_points).

Evaluate the probability density function (PDF):

>>> s.pdf(points)
array([1.27661616e-03, 9.31966590e-05])

Or the log(pdf) (natural logarithm):

>>> s.logpdf(points)
array([-6.66354232, -9.28079868])

There is also a cdf and logcdf method for the cumulative distribution function, as well as entropy, and a cov_info which is undocumented, but seems to contain some covariance matrix decomposition.

Error propagation

TODO: to_uncertainties, to_soerp, to_mcerp


TODO: joint


TODO: sigma_distance