
As we saw in Getting started, to create a MultiNorm object, you pass a mean vector, a covariance matrix (both as Numpy arrays) and optionally a list of parameter names:

from multinorm import MultiNorm
mean = [2, 3]
covariance = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
names = ["a", "b"]
multi_norm = MultiNorm(mean, covariance, names)

But where do these things come from?

On this page, we look at the most common scenarios.

From fit

TODO: show example using scipy.optimise.curve_fit`

To use multinorm, we first need to fit some parameterised model to obtain a best-fit parameter vector and covariance matrix.

Let’s use scipy.optimize_curve_fit to fit some data.

TODO: show example using iminuit

From points

TODO: show example using emcee where points come from a trace and np.std and np.cov is used to get the inputs

From publication

TODO: show example how to take covar (or par errors) from a publication or blog post, i.e. as inputs.